17-20 september 2018
Dnipro, Ukraine

Guidelines for Abstract

Author А.B., Author В.G.
Full name of institution, city, country
clean line

Abstract has to fit on one single (A4 size) page with margins of 2.5 cm top, bottom, left and right. The ONLY format "Document WORD 97-2003" (doc-file) will be accepted. Font Times New Roman, size font 14 pt (including figures), single line spacing is required. Title must be in bold, all capital letters, centred; authors list must be in bold, centred; name of presenting author must be underlined; affiliation, city and country must be italic, е-mail.

Any figures and formulas should be inserted only in jpg or tiff file format (it is not allowed setting figures "over the text") and have a good quality.

The name of the abstract file consists of the author's name in Latin letters and the number of the abstract, for example: Petrov1.doc; Petrov2.doc..

The name of registration form: Petrov-РК.doc.

Abstract and registration form should be sent no later then 15.05.18 by e-mail of Organizing Committee: ucic2018dnipro@gmail.com

Abstract template file can be downloaded here